Healthcare Reporting: ACA Risk Sharing Upset - RMB Editing

Healthcare Reporting: ACA Risk Sharing Upset

Healthcare Reporting: ACA Risk Sharing Upset

July 10, 2024
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My time at PBN covering healthcare provided pivotal insight into the intricacies of the U.S. healthcare marketplace, the ACA, Medicare and Medicaid. President Donald Trump’s repeated policy disruptions to the system provided routine news hooks requiring expert insight into how the system worked and the relative effects of the particular actions of the administration on people’s access to affordable care.

This story examines the effects of the Trump administration’s temporary halt of $10.4 billion in Affordable Care Act risk management payments of insurers a move HSRI spokesperson Kyrie Perry said could have a destabilizing effect on the individual health care marketplace.

HSRI: ACA risk sharing formula unaffected in 2019, payments should continue

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