Copy That! - RMB Editing

Copy That!

Inbound Marketing: Websites Shouldn’t Just Sit Around

October 20, 2019
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[">Vintage photo created by jcomp -] Your website looks great to the eye, but inbound marketing will make it look good to Google, and your customers.

[”>Vintage photo created by jcomp –]
Your website looks great to the eye, but inbound marketing will make it look good to Google, and your customers.

Without inbound marketing, your fabulously designed, expertly managed business website is dead in the water, uninteresting, easily dismissed.

You’ve got testimonials, a rocking portfolio. Your photos are eye catching, your layout is set up just-so. But you either don’t blog, or you don’t have regular posts.

Maybe you used to have a regular post up on your blog, but you ran out of steam. That’s nothing to be ashamed of. During 20 years as a newspaper and news website editor, I found that lots of folks wanted to start a column. Keeping it up every week, thinking up a topic, writing about it, making it informative, entertaining, or both, that takes mental stamina. Such psychological endurance is tough to come by. Scores of columnists have petered out after a few months, or a few years.

Most can’t keep it up forever – and those are the people getting paid to do it. You’re going to need someone else to tap in eventually, if only to give your creative mind a break.

Now, add the inbound marketing element. That’s right, you’re not only on the hook for regular, informative and interesting writing – you’ve got to factor in SEO, to ensure readers looking for unique, well written and informative information about your business, your expertise, and your service, can find it.

The idea is, readers interested in what you’re writing will find it during their Google search. Maybe they’ll return for more. In the process, you’re now among the sources they seek out on that topic. Eventually, when your readers require your services, they’ll know you’re the expert to reach out to.

Without inbound marketing, your website is just sitting there, a fancy, expensive digital paper weight, passively taking up pixels without doing a thing for you business. Google doesn’t notice you. When Google doesn’t take notice, no one else does.

Soon, nobody is looking at your website unless they’re curious about the url on your business card. When they do, if they find a blog that hasn’t been updated in while, that’s not good for you.

Your website needs to be dynamic, not static. You have to keep adding content with the SEO that will attract new readers. Ideally, you’ll reach out to someone who knows the ins and outs of SEO, someone who is an informative, entertaining writer who knows what the content on your site is supposed to do.

Got a project or a stale, static blog, or need to start up a blog and keep it going? Contact me at and let’s talk about your goals. Chances are we can accomplish a lot with four weekly posts.


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RMB Editing: Copy delivered, deadline oriented

November 11, 2018
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RMB Editing provides freelance copy writing including web content, blog posts and marketing copy.

RMB Editing provides freelance copy writing including web content, blog posts and marketing copy.

Web designers find it easier to convince clients they need top-notch web design than professional copy writing for web pages, but both are vital.

It’s a tough job to convince someone that the design and the copy placed within it are both vital, but a web designer’s client won’t be happy with their new website very long if the copy readers find on it fails to convert them into customers.

Sometimes, even if you’ve convinced your client of the value of content, you still have to contend with delays  to providing it that holds up a project. A well-designed page can’t be published without effective, well-written copy, or with no copy at all.

Recently, a web designer working on a new website for their client asked me to write up an “About us” description for their client. Normally, I schedule a short interview with the business owner to get a feel for the history and approach of a business, and a few quotes about their business. This time, the designer’s client was so busy there wasn’t time to schedule an interview. But, the designer needed copy for the web site’s “About us” page to finish the project by their deadline.

No problem.

Fortunately, the company had been around for a while, and during that time, the owner had occasionally posted about the business, its history, and approach to the industry. A little searching produced a few detailed descriptions of the company in the owner’s own words from the original website, and in several social media descriptions and comments. A few testimonials about the company’s superb service also provided helpful background.

Within a few days, my web designer client had a well-written, SEO optimized “About us” description, in their client’s voice that allowed them to finish their project on time. Their client was pleased with the resulting page, written in their voice. Problem solved.

If you’re waiting on a piece of content that’s holding up a project, or just need quick, accurate and keyword tailored content, let’s talk.


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Practicing my Copy Writing Preach

April 1, 2018
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Copy createNetwork, they said. Join BNI, they said. So, I did.

And, I did.

As a new member of BNI WIN, I found myself delivering my requisite weekly 60-second marketing pitches for my copy writing business, often pitching the perks of content.

Content regularly posted on a business blog. Which, until recently, I didn’t actually have.

As the saying goes, the carpenter’s house is never finished. So, while I’ve been spending a few years helping others polish up and create their content, I never quite got around to following my own advice.

For those of you playing at home, regular, quality content is an essential part of the inbound marketing strategy as described by Hubspot: Write well, write regularly, and write what you know. Establish yourself as an authority, keep your business in the sights of your customers, and you’ll be on their minds when they’re in the market for your services and products.

So, welcome to the first installment of my new blog, Copy That! I aim to be entertaining and informative.



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