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Practicing my Copy Writing Preach

April 1, 2018
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Copy createNetwork, they said. Join BNI, they said. So, I did.

And, I did.

As a new member of BNI WIN, I found myself delivering my requisite weekly 60-second marketing pitches for my copy writing business, often pitching the perks of content.

Content regularly posted on a business blog. Which, until recently, I didn’t actually have.

As the saying goes, the carpenter’s house is never finished. So, while I’ve been spending a few years helping others polish up and create their content, I never quite got around to following my own advice.

For those of you playing at home, regular, quality content is an essential part of the inbound marketing strategy as described by Hubspot: Write well, write regularly, and write what you know. Establish yourself as an authority, keep your business in the sights of your customers, and you’ll be on their minds when they’re in the market for your services and products.

So, welcome to the first installment of my new blog, Copy That! I aim to be entertaining and informative.



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